onsdag 7. oktober 2009

Case 4

Case was as follows:

You're now going to use the animations you made in case 2 to make the character move to the right and the left, and assume an idling position. What's new in this case is that you need to make the characters move using the arrow keys. When you press the right arrow key, the character needs to move right untill you let it go. The same goes for left. When no key is pressed down the character needs to assume an idle position.

After the resounding success that was Case 3, I was really looking forward to this week's lab, and with good reason! It was another really informative class, and I still feel like I'm learning tons about coding in actionscript every day.

This time I had a few major hickups in my coding, but that's to be expected with such a large amount of code (I think we ended up at ~100 lines)

Ended up getting everything working, and I'm looking forward to case 5!

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